"Ouch, my nipples!" a phrase I hope to never hear myself say again (that is until teething comes along, that will be a whole other issue to deal with) I am proud to say that I have only had cracked nipples for less than a 24hr period and only 2 very mild cases of mastitis since my babe was born!
My trick? Knowing my body.
Having dry, cracked or sore nipples
sucks! So here are a few things to do daily to prevent it and help it when it does happen.
-THE best thing for your nipples is actually your own breast milk. To prevent dryness after feeding baby just squeeze a little out (unless baby so kindly covered your boobs with it anyway) and with your finger rub it into your nipple before putting on breast pads.
-If you already have cracked nipples DO invest in lanolin cream. Madella makes a good one. Apply graciously after feedings and/or when you change breast pads.
-don't wear a bra. I know this sounds unpleasing because I'm sure we all leak but air really helps with nipple health. When you get home from work or have a few hours when nobody but you and the babe will be around put on a large, loose t-shirt (preferably one you dont mind getting stained) and lounge around the house for a few hours. Come on ladies, let the girls breathe a little!
Oh, mastitis, clogged duct or painful spot! I thankfully caught the mastitis before it got really bad, I knew my body and how it should feel normally and thats how I figured it out. And I killed it off with no antibiotics. To tell if it's mastitis or just a clogged duct take your temp, if it's higher than normal but below 103 then you might be able to get rid of it yourself. I had a temp of 103 and felt like total crap! My boobs hurt, my head hurt and I didn't feel like eating anything, here's what to do:
-Take Tylenol to reduce your fever-if it's over 103 just call your doctor!!!
-Apply heat and pressure (hot compress) TIP: boil a pot of water, once its boiling take it off the heat and open one of babies diapers (a CLEAN one thats is NOT on your baby! duh) pour water on it until it swells up all big and gets steamy. Now drape it over your boob. It's the right shape and stays hot longer than a warm towel.
-Nurse, nurse, nurse. I know it hurts but the baby does a way better job of unclogging ducts and getting milk flowing than a pump can. It's also better for your nipples.
lots of water, keeps the milk thin and flowing plus you should be drinking a ton of water anyways.
If the area is pink or red and you have a massive lump call the doctor, it's too late to try and figure it out on your own and you're risking getting real sick. They'll give you antibiotics to take but keep doing these things as well, it really helps the process.
If you have a spot on your nipple that's clogged it's VERY painful the best thing is to pop it, get some milk out of it, smother it in lanolin and don't wear a bra for a few hours.
I hope this helps your boobies!