Saturday, January 3, 2015

Baby Things

A work in progress but a good starting point for mom's to be thinking about what items to put on the registry.  I made this list with the help of a bunch of wonderful ladies.  Please feel free to add your favorites in the comments...

Baby Clothing Must Have:
Short Sleeve Onesies
Long Sleeve Onesies
Tank Onesies
Hats (Colder Areas)
Socks (Can Double at Mits)
Sleep Sacks (Halo, Zipadee-zip, Summer Infant SwaddleMe Sacks)
Gowns (Open Bottoms)

Basics for Baby:
Swaddle Blankets (Aiden & Anais, Summer Infant SwaddleMe Sacks)
Burp Cloths (Gerber Cloth Diapers - absorbs best)
Waterproof Pads (Washable)
Crib Sheets
Paci Clips
Paci (WubbaNubba)

Gear for Baby:
Swings (Rock N Play, Graco 2-in-1)
Pack N Play (Graco)
Bouncer (SnuggaBunny, One that Vibrates)
Bumbo Seat (Buy Used - Mixed Reviews)
Baby Carrier (Moby Wrap, Baby Bjorn, Ergo Baby)
Boppy Pillow
Stroller (BOB)
Noise Machine (Cloud b. Giraffe, FP Soothe & Glow Seahorse)
Bath Tub (Can Also Use Sink or Shallow Rubbermaid Tub)
Car Seat (Buy Higher End)

Baby Lotion/Soap (Aveeno Baby)
Diaper Kits (Wipes, Diapers, Cream & Extra Onesie for each Car/Bag)
Diaper Bag (Eddie Bauer Backpack)
Thermometers (Travel and Home)
Sanitary Bags (Instead of DiaperGenie use Poo Baggies, Arm & Hammer)
Microwave Sanitation Bags (For Nipples & Pacis)

Mom Basics:
Nursing Bras/Cover (Lightweight)
Nipple Shield
Lanolin Cream
Breast Pump (Manual or Electric - Madela) *Free in USA
Witch Hazel Pads (Hospital May Provide)
Breast Pads

Sanitary Pads (HEAVY Flow for Postpartum)