Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Great Uses for Old Things

So now that our babies have grown out of just about EVERYTHING – here are a few suggestions on what to do.
-Donating – always a great option. Either to a friend, Goodwill or Salvation Army (just remember carseats should not be donated)
-Bathtub – I used Bears old little baby bathtub as a play tub on the deck. I filled it up with the hose and float some duckies and ships in it and it was a blast. They also usually have that nice little drain plug on the bottom for an easy empty.
-Car Seats/Strollers – car seats should not be donated but Babies R Us and a few other baby places let you trade in your old seat for 25% off a new one.
-Clothes – If you’re a quilter or a crafter making blankets and toys out of your babies old clothes can be a great keepsake.
-Everything – why not clean out the whole house while you’re in the cleanup phase? Host a yard sale! If you don’t have enough stuff put together a neighborhood yard sale and combine junk! Use a different color sticker for each person’s stuff so you can split up the money easily.
-Small Toys – I think I saw this in a Martha Stewart magazine, take a picture of your kid and their favorite toy at that age and get some of those picture boxes (2.5 inches deep should work ok) put your lo’s picture in the back and a toy or toy artistically placed in the box, if you make one each year you’ll have a neat collection on your wall of your child growing up. What’s nice about this is it’s not just a picture it’s a little memory in there too – and great to show to future girlfriends/boyfriends hehe J
Anybody have any more ideas?

1 comment:

  1. I posted 3 things on craigslist yesterday and within 25 minutes, had buyers for all 3 items! Now if only my wedding dress could have sold on there!
