Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Spend spend spend!

There are so many places to buy things for your new bundle of joy but the truth is all she needs is YOU! (and maybe a few more things) but I can guarantee your newborn wont care the colors, brands or whether it's new or used! My goal is to help the thrifty mom decide what she really needs to get for her little one and what to use around the house instead. (Alot of these are also very 'green' if you're into that sort of thing)

None of these ideas are new, I am simply learning and collecting information from the various sources and sharing it all in one place! I will tackle things like gassy babies, feeding and breast health, entertainment, sleeping, decorating, traveling and any other issues I run into being a first time mom.

This is my spot to share experience and help out anyone willing to read.


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