Monday, January 14, 2013

Making Toddler Clothes

I am just going to touch on the subject right now because I am short on time but want to share my latest DIY endeavor and provide some resources for anyone interested.

For my birthday my loving man got me one of these...

YAY - I recently came to the realization that come the spring out back-log of kids clothing will be depleated and we'll have nothing left that fits for summer.  I spent some time looking at second-hand clothing in bulk (people selling backs) but everyone wanted anywhere from $35-55 and that is just not do-able right now.  So I will be making all of Bear's clothes!  Well a good chunk of them at least.  

Although I am still working out the kinks on the neck of my shirts (I don't have a serger which makes this WAY easier) I wanted to share where I started.  

I made my own patterns with the help of made's blog tutorial on drafting patterns: HERE

And used a combination of her tutorials for PANTS and SHIRTS to create this outfit (keep in mind I will be re-sewing the neckline to fit better)

For the shirt, I made one with the envelope neck as shown in the tutorial on made but it fell off his skinny little shoulder so I pulled up THIS tutorial from to attempt the neckline. 

I was very surprised at the results, I thought I would have trouble making the sleeves but it was so easy! I tried two different methods and both worked great.



  1. Looks like you made something resembling a shirt and pants! Congrats! Now if only I can figure out how to get my machine threaded. (But not for clothes. I believe in hitting up the thrift store rack for some $1.50 clothes)

    1. yeah the neck of my shirt needed help. I have been practicing lol the pants he loves though!
